Reinvigorate the online experience for a 17-year-old company making safe, design-forward, and functional baby accessories sold nationwide at big box retailers like Target and Walmart.
develop a new social media strategy that tells the story of ulubulu and the “who” and “why” behind the company
Complementing the new retail redesign from Senn + Sons, we completely reimagined Ulubulu’s online presence by developing a new social media strategy. Partnering with Vizzso, we shared a new conversation with new brand imagery and video, art directed to highlight the bright, cozy, natural, and warm style we created for the brand.
Get attendees to follow their social pages (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) as well as interact with social pages as their largest dermatology conference of the year. Get people at the conference as well as those not at the conference interested in attending the conference next year.
Provide real time photos and video of attendees, speakers and the overall feel and look of the excellence of this conference from the information to the location.
Provide high end images and video for real time social social content and drive interaction on pages through daily contesting, images and asking for user generated content (UGC).
total engagements up 1,057%
total followers increased by 16.8%
facebook :
total engagements up 1,057%
total followers increased by 16.8%
Total followers up 5.7%
Net follower growth up 11.9%
increase brand awareness of colette jaffe linens and home goods in sync with their website launch
recruit micro-influencers to focus on the home improvement weekend warriors looking for unique bedding to elevate their spaces.
launch a 25-influencer home goods campaign in all 50 states, using hashtag #inthebedroomwithcj. Running time=7 days.
#of influencers: 24
#of posts to date: 25
total likes & comments: 13,550
averages likes per post: 589
average influencer audience size: 21,669
total influencer reach: 478,934
total influencer impressions: 490,567